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IP Phones

SIP - T5 Series 

The Yealink T5 Business Phone Series is designed with Yealink Acoustic Shield technology to deliver distraction-free voice clarity for remote participants by utilising multiple microphones to create a virtual shield.

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SIP - T4 Series

The Yealink T4 series of IP phones are designed for today’s busy executives and managers. Yealink T4 phones feature an elegant appearance, Optima high-definition audio quality and a remarkable user experience for collaboration and productivity.

SIP - T3 Series

The Yealink T3 series is a classic and cost-effective collection of entry-level business IP phones for daily desktop voice communications. Featuring superior HD audio performance, 5-way local conference function, EHS wireless headset support, and proven integration of Yealink Device Management Platform, the T3 series maximises productivity and enhances collaboration for small, medium and large businesses.

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SIP - Others

No matter what your business need, we can cover you with something else other than the T Series phones

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